Impacting people
and the planet
Shapoorji Pallonji is committed to being a responsible corporate citizen. We go beyond the boundaries of business goals to enable lasting solutions that drive deep social and environmental progress.
We are committed to partnerships with the local communities and non-governmental organisations in providing the necessary aid and support. We undertake Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects where the need is the most and not necessarily around business projects. We actively encourage employees to engage in social causes and volunteering work.
children provided with quality education to improve learning levels
litres of water harvested in dry regions of Rajasthan
rural populace get access to water through check dams
rural women empowered to become self-reliant micro entrepreneurs
nutritious feeds served to combat malnutrition in children
plants preserved across 550+ native species in SP Biodiversity Garden

We commit to enabling
opportunities for social and
economic growth, interdependent
with a thriving ecology.
To empower communities and nurture ecologies
Education and skill development for underprivileged children, youth and tribal
Healthy living by providing affordable quality healthcare, nutrition and access
to water and sanitation
Social inclusion by enabling earning opportunities and financial security
Environment conservation by increasing green cover and preserving biodiversity

Education and Skill Development
One of the biggest challenges faced by the Indian education system has been expansion without a simultaneous assurance of the quality of education.
SP Group considers it a priority to strengthen the quality of education in government schools catering specifically to marginalized communities in the tribal and rural areas. Our programs focus on nurturing and educating tribal children by providing adequate educational infrastructure and enhanced learning facilities at schools.

Healthy Living
According to a World Bank Report, India is home to 18% of the global population but has only 4% of the global water resources. Its per capita water availability is around 1,100 cubic meters (m3), well below the internationally recognised threshold of water stress which is 1,700 m3 per person. It is also dangerously close to the threshold for water scarcity which is 1,000 m3 per person.
Meanwhile, more than one-third of the world’s malnourished children live in India. Approximately 50% of children under three years are malnourished.
Also, cancer cases in India have more than doubled over the past 20 years and are expected to become even more prevalent in the coming years.
The SP Group works hard to combat this by facilitating healthy living with access to water and resources to combat malnutrition. It has supported multiple projects for affordable and quality healthcare for the underprivileged.

Social Inclusion
In a country with close to 49% female population, as per Census 2011, the workforce participation rate for females is just 25.51%. For decades now, the progress toward gender equality in economic activities seems to have stalled.
India is an agrarian country with around 70% of its people depending directly or indirectly on agriculture. However, farmer suicides account for 11.2% of all suicides in India for reasons like high debt burdens, poor government policies, corruption in subsidies, and crop failure due to drought.
SP Group fights against this by promoting inclusion and development through Women Empowerment and Farmer Livelihood Enhancement projects.

Environment Conservation
Climate change is not an unknown term for us. It can directly or indirectly lead to hunger, water scarcity, pollution and poverty, over varying time frames. It can impact employment and livelihood, limiting opportunities for education, housing and security. It can also cause large-scale migration and displacement as a result of emergencies like extreme heat, floods, droughts and tropical storms.
We are fast losing natural ecosystems and wildlife due to rapid urbanization, industrialization and pollution. Greenhouse gas levels have not been this high for the past 1M years. This, in turn, has led to temperatures and sea levels rising, ice caps melting and biodiversity shrinking - all at a disturbing rate.
SP Group works to do its part for environment conservation by increasing green cover and preserving biodiversity.